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Monday, September 28, 2015

A Window to Joy

John Robert and his buddy enjoy a fierce
video game battle on a recent Saturday afternoon.
The days, weeks, months, and years roll by.  John Robert is enjoying his first year of high school.  He seems to have found his balance rather quickly.

The other boys and I are enjoying the challenge of a very busy fall schedule with lots of group classes and field trips in addition to the usual academics.  

Denver and Spencer spent hours
on their new board game, Castle Panic.
John loves the company he flys for and I love my work-- all of it. Somehow I even make time for the dogs and my triathlon training schedule-- although still without a bicycle!  

Some moments are challenging and sometimes I get grumbly-- no surprise to those who know me!-- but there is peace in our home most of the time.  I know there is joy.  

The boys enjoyed their first robotics class.
Denver made Roman Bulla necklaces
for himself and Apollo.

Working in clay for Art and the History
of Weapons

Spencer and partner working in robotics class.

Denver (in grey) playing chess at MSC.
He and Spencer joined the chess club this year.

Denver Van Gogh with
both ears attached.

Denver seemed pleased with his
 moving dragon.

Spencer had no trouble building a more advanced machine.

Happy Monday

You'll find quiet, happy moments between the flow from one activity to the next.  

These moments exist to remind us to breathe and appreciate this fragile, short life of ours. 

Happy Monday.