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Friday, October 30, 2015

Cartwheeling on Stone Mountain

Chief Denver shows off his
new headress and tomahawk.
Our Little Big Chief (aka Denver) has learned to do cartwheels.

He does them one-handed while talking to me in the living room. He cartwheels between bites of cereal while standing in the kitchen; and today, Denver Degonia did cartwheels while hiking up and down Stone Mountain. 

Whenever I expressed my fear he would get hurt, he said with exasperation, "I won't get hurt unless gravity reverses!"  It didn't.
Denver surveys his domain--
between cartwheels.

It is no longer a surprise to me when I realize the benefits of homeschooling-- and not just for cartwheeling.  I used to write about these realizations with wonder; now, they are simply beloved facts.

Denver shows off his toolmaking skills
from his latest art class--
History and the Art of Weapons
The boys are studying early American history this year, including Native American history. Spencer has already experienced the joy of dressing in costume, meeting "real" Native Americans, and making weapons.  But it's all new to Denver.

Denver spent the last seven weeks learning to make stone tools, a bow, and arrows in art class. We have been reading about Lewis & Clark and their experiences with Native Americans.  We made a buffalo headress (kind of . . . see below).  Denver wanted more . . .  

Inspired by his history lessons and the
Native American Pow Wow,
Denver is ready for Halloween.
Today, John, Spencer, Denver and I went to the Native American Pow Wow at Stone Mountain.  Once the rowdy crowds of elementary school children had cleared out, we had the park nearly to ourselves. We asked questions of the tribe representatives, listened to presentations by a Cherokee man, met a descendant of the Aztecs, watched a man make arrow heads, and saw a falconer at work with his birds.  

All of this was great.  It fed Denver's love of learning and adventure.  It complemented his reading and history.  But probably best of all, it was great family time.  So grateful for this time together.
Denver with Aztec dancer
and her enormous headress!

Denver's Buffalo Headress.

Denver and Spencer on top
of Stone Mountain.
The skyline of Atlanta was clearly visible
as well as kites flying nearby.
Spencer couldn't resist the purchase
of a new crossbow-- even though
we questioned its use as a
Native American weapon.