I had no idea.
"BOB FOR APPLES!," Denver exclaimed. "Can we do it?!"

I brought out three bright apples, and Denver plopped them in the tub.
He laughed as he reminded me of the Charlie Brown Halloween special where they bob for apples. "It's crazy that Lucy doesn't see Snoopy in the water with the apples," he said. "If Snoopy was in this water I could clearly see him. That's the thing about cartoons."
Before long, he and his older brother, Spencer, were cheering and coaching each other as their heads went up and down in the tub.
Spencer laughed as the apple kept slipping away from him. He finally captured his apple, dried himself, and wandered off to complete his writing assignment. Denver is on his third apple so far. He is experimenting to see if he can eat the apple underwater.
"This is SO healthy," he just exclaimed. "'Cause you know what they say? An apple a day . . . ."