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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Diving In

Gazing out from the starting blocks before the 50 Freestyle finals.
Last fall, Denver joined the Walton Waves swim team with his big brother.  His goal was to improve his swimming skills for triathlon. I expected him to last a month.  He has a history of impassioned zeal for whatever is new-- and this zeal usually lasts no longer than 48 hours!
A Display of Good Sportsmanship at the end of the race.

The Launch
To my surprise and delight, Denver has become a devoted swimmer; and most recently, he had his first really successful big meet at UGA in Athens where he placed in the top ten in five events!  But this is not the best part of Denver's devotion.  

The most amazing change in Denver's life has to be the connection to his coach and teammates.  Always a social person, Denver leaps out of the car for swimming and is immediately surrounded by high fives from the boys and "Hi Denver!" from everyone.  His coach is delighted by his hard work and enthusiasm.  When we attended his last big meet, he left me at the door of the building with a smile and a wave, and merged into his group of pals.  I didn't see him again until he was at the starting blocks for his first event.  

Every child is different, with his own needs and interests.  As a parent, it is a tremendous joy to watch a child find a passion that makes his heart sing and his world widen.  Swim team is that gift for Denver at this moment. 

Buddies at a January meet in Madison, GA.
Hercules Pose

Learning how to leap from starting blocks
with the help of John Robert

First Place in his Heat by One Second.