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Friday, February 15, 2013

A Lovely Valentine's Day

I LOVE Valentine's Day.  Not because of Saint Valentine or many of the American traditions of romantic love.  I love Valentine's Day because for me it is a celebration of all love-- love for my children, my husband, my family, my friends, my life, my health, God.  It doesn't hurt that there are a lot of cute, cheap decorations available either-- heart shaped bowls, heart plates and cups, valentine tablecloths, flowers.  I embrace it all with a silly exuberance.  Yesterday was no exception.

The boys awakened to chocolates at the breakfast table, milk served in heart cups, pancakes on heart plates.  They did extra work earlier in the week so that Valentine's Day was a free day.  They took gifts to Mimi and Paw Paw.  Nana bought them a new video game, and I paid for half of another video game for them to enjoy.  They were thrilled! 

Although they all played outside for a while, too, the big fun was holding a Wii remote and playing, playing, all day long.  I was amazed at the level of creative problem solving and teamwork involved in their games.  John Robert spent time pouring over the game guide.  They each read about their chosen characters and devised plans to upgrade skills and unlock new levels.  Sometimes their plans differed, and they had to call me to step in; but mostly they played joyfully.  They stopped intermittently for a Valentine's Day indoor picnic and to toast the day.  I received numerous hugs-- even from John Robert!

John flew over a thousand miles yesterday, and was exhausted when he got home.  I cooked a hearty, healthy dinner and gave him some dark chocolate with almonds for Valentine's Day.  He gave me a registration number for the St. Louis Marathon in April.  Whoopee!

While the boys enjoyed their new game, Lady and I went for a long run in preparation for the marathon.  We circled the subdivision for nearly two and a half hours.  I am so grateful my body is strong.  What a joy! 

May you be as filled with gratitude and joy as we were on this Valentine's Day! 


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