I have a lot of experience setting goals; it's reaching them that has always been a bit of a problem. Whether it was weightloss or any other behavioral change, setting the goal was easy. Following through to reach my goals has always been the challenge. This week-- in time for my 45th birthday-- I have met three huge goals. I lost twenty pounds. My body feels stronger and healthier than it's ever been. Most importantly, my blood pressure has gone from being dangerously high to hovering just above normal. Success!
This past January, I no longer recognized my body. It didn't feel good to be living in a chubby, tired body that couldn't run a mile without tiring. I didn't have energy for my boys or all the work I needed to do, much less a decent exercise routine. Worst of all, however, was the high blood pressure. I did not want to go on medication, but I could not continue to ignore the high numbers and the threats they carried. Thus, I began my quest. I didn't know if getting my blood pressure under control was possible without medication, but I had to try. I gave myself nearly six months-- until my birthday on June 6th-- to meet this goal before calling a doctor.
I continued yoga and meditation. I began running every other day. I began eating less and eating better. With the addition of swiss chard and other greens from Sara Vinson's garden, I felt more energetic within a week. John and I joined a new gym. I began going to the gym to exercise on the elliptical and do some core and upper body work on the days I didn't run. Time passed. Weight fell. Energy soared. My blood pressure remained dangerously high. I became a supplement junkie for my blood pressure: fish oil, CoQ10, Hawthorn Berry, Calcium, garlic, ayurvedic herbal treatments. If you've read about it on the internet, I've tried it.

My blood pressure had skyrocketed immediately after my cancer surgery a few years ago. I believe the loss of estrogen somehow caused the change. Perhaps the loss of estrogen led to restriction of the blood vessels? I wasn't sure. With the help of my friend, Jill, I began to research natural estrogen therapies. However, it was all a bit confusing, and I didn't want to end up with a prescription for synthetic estrogen that might increase my risk of cancer.
Out of desperation, I decided to add one more supplement to my daily routine. It turned out to be a magic pill. A soy-based supplement with other herbal ingredients meant to help women with symptoms of menopause, it made no claim to help with blood pressure. But it did. Within two days, I noticed that I simply felt calmer than usual. Later that day, I checked my blood pressure. Nearly normal! Within two days!
It's been thirty days since I began taking the new supplement. My blood pressure consistently remains in the high normal range. Although I am wary of continuing to take a lot of soy due to possible negative side effects, I am overjoyed at having nearly normal blood pressure to go along with my newly invigorated body.

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