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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Gone to the Dogs

This is what happens when you start rescuing dogs.
It's embarrassing really.  I'll just go ahead and say it.  We have four dogs.  And three of them are big.  They shed.  They track dirt through the house.  They like to jump on the furniture when you're not looking.  And except for the last one, they're all my fault.

Our last acquisition was done as a favor to a police chief whom I much admire.  He was looking for a home for a young german shepard.  If I didn't take him, he was going to the animal shelter because his elderly owner was unable to handle him.  How could I say no?  I've been saying I'm his foster mom and looking for a good home for him; meanwhile, our whole family (in-laws excluded) has fallen in love with him.

But here is the real truth . . . 
My girl, Lady.  She would wait near my running shoes.
We lost our beautiful german shepard, Lady, last July.  My last words to her as we lay together on the cold tile of the emergency vet's office were, "I'm sorry I can't save you.  I'm so sorry I can't save you."  I stroked her soft fur, and for the first time ever, she didn't look at me or lean into me.  Her eyes stayed closed.  Her death was unexpected. She had gone running with me two days before.  I cried for weeks.

Sometimes Happiness just sneaks up on you.
A month later, when I had the opportunity to save a puppy's life and give it a good home, I did. When Denver wanted his own dog, we chose a likely looking fellow who was homeless. When John wanted a big, black german shepard named Maximus, I made it happen.

Maximus and Apollo--
The World's Best Running Partners
(Okay, not the Best; but the most enthusiastic!)
This is what I get every time
I crack open the back hatch!

Now our house is full to bursting with dogs and boys and all the accessories that go with each.    

I spend a disproportionate amount of time vacuuming and mopping.

And yet . . . after a six mile trail run with the shepards; after I watch Spencer and Denver dote on the dogs and hug them for comfort; and after obedience training, agility work with Audrey, and a rousing game of fetch with Jake, I have to say . . . it's worth it.

Did someone say Park?

Denver and Lieutenant Jake

Audrey loves racing through her tunnel.

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