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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What a Homeschool Monday Can Be

Brave Sir Denver celebrates a Victory

I never dreamed a Monday morning could be so pleasant. 

Between math, writing, history, and reading, we have doggy dress up time.  

We leap from our American Revolutionary War studies back to medieval times and the boys build a castle with cardboard and wooden blocks. They create new costumes and play knights.  We have a chess game.  

We laugh and talk about a science experiment using magnetic putty.

On nice days, we can finish early and take a hike with the dogs. Sometimes we go to the Montessori School and see friends' presentations-- especially when there are snakes!
Hiking with Max.

When other people don't understand why my boys don't want to go to school, I wish they could be here on these days . . . where life just flows . . . rich and sweet like chocolate fondue.
Reading to Audrey by the fire this morning.
Princess Audrey.
Photo by Denver Degonia

Spencer never ceases to amaze me with his
thoughts and observations.

He played his new song several times
through and then looked around at his
imaginary audience:
 "Hot Crossed Buns, Everybody!"

Fancy Almond Butter and Banana Sandwich
with Umbrella . . . but of course!

Meeting Dylan's python, Bumblebee.

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