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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Laugh Lines are our Reward

John Robert (far right) with two friends-- all of whom are taller than me!
 I remember very clearly when these three guys were three or four years old and attending the Montessori School of Covington.  They went together on a "playdate" to Chik-fil-A where they ran at a frenzied pace-- french fries dangling from their lips-- through the brightly colored habitrail for toddlers while we parents looked on and laughed.  

More birthday party friends
Times have changed; and yet these boys still make us laugh and smile.  They have transformed; we simply have more laugh lines.  

I guess laugh lines are our reward for the worry and sleepless nights and fortunes spent on discarded toys and retirements invested in college savings programs.  I don't even have to pause before telling you it has been worth every moment and every penny.

This past week, John Robert finished his ninth grade AP and end of course exams.  This past weekend, he hung out with friends, went to a movie, and jumped on a trampoline.  He even spent an afternoon with me!  (Okay, I bought him lunch and new clothes for his academic award ceremony) 

The little boy I have missed over the last nine months reappeared in the form of a thoughtful, intelligent, funny, and kind young man.  And he's so interesting!

John Robert high in the air.

On Monday night, our boy received nine awards for outstanding scholarship.  I was sorry court kept me from getting to the ceremony, but grateful my in-laws could be there; and grateful our friends, the Quinlans, shared some wonderful photographs.  

It is an honor and a joy to watch my son grow and change.  He has ups and downs (don't we all?), but he is one of the most gentle, kind, and thoughtful people I've ever known. I'm so glad to be his mom. And I know his dad feels the same.

Although he doesn't LOOK thrilled, John Robert was pleased to receive so many awards this week.

1 comment:

  1. I was really proud of him...category after category...not only did he get awards, but he was gracious and showed great poise when receiving them...something not all are able to do at that age! He is so much fun...I do very much appreciate being able to watch him grow up.
