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Friday, May 10, 2013

Sunny Sweet Days

Some days are just too sweet not to share.  The same holds true for strawberries.  Today the boys and I drove out to Mitcham Farm and picked five buckets of enormous, beautiful berries.  It was easy picking-- they practically fell into our buckets.  Denver said, "This is fun!  I feel like a real farmer!"  Much to my surprise, all of the boys had a great time, and commented on what a great idea it was.

The day was sunny and warm, and it wasn't long before we needed to take a break for lemonade.  After purchasing our berries, we went to a playground where the boys played happily until lunch time.

The fun wasn't over, however.  Denver's buddy, Alex, invited all of us over to play in the afternoon.  We went.  We had fun.  I talked with Amy as she worked in the garden.  The boys played games and enjoyed each other.

After dinner (and more strawberries!), Spencer and Denver wanted to go to Karate Night-- three hours of running and playing and organized chaos sponsored by his karate studio.  We decided to take Spencer's old buddy, Tylen, as well as Alex.  They made quite a foursome. 

John is home from a three day trip.  John Robert is curled up with the ipad, enjoying a little fun without his brothers interrupting him.  I've got two sour cream pound cakes in the oven to enjoy with our strawberries.  It's been a sweet day.  And there's more to come..  

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