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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Extreme Mammals

A trip to Fernbank is always a pleasure-- but even more so with two of the boys' friends (and one mom-- so I'll have someone my age to play with!).  Curious and talkative, the five boys explored the museum; and we all enjoyed one another's company.

One of many things I am grateful for are the new friends we are cultivating since beginning to homeschool.  For reasons I don't quite understand, they tend to be more passionate about learning.  Physics, math, even Shakespeare are viewed by these friends as exciting areas of exploration-- rather than areas of toil.

I've watched John Robert go from excited lover of learning who wanted to be a paleontologist to a boy who seemed only interested in his school friends' opinions and video games; and now that we are homeschooling again, I have my curious learner back.  Hurray!


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