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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Creating Our Own Maps and Worlds

In the last few weeks, the boys have become fascinated with creating new worlds and maps on Minecraft. If you don't know what this is, that's because you don't have a tweenage boy living in your home.

The boys-- Denver, too!-- design not just buildings or cities, but whole worlds. They create maps for their new worlds and then invite each other to play on them. I watch and listen as they discuss strategies and ideas. I watch them use the internet as a resource to learn from others on youtube how to create and build.

This is all new learning for me. I cannot teach them and they do not ask for my help. Although it is tempting to dismiss this learning as simply "video games," I can't help but see that this is art, design, logical thinking and problem solving at its best.

This is one of the many things the boys do "after school." But they have been busy with many other learning adventures outside of their academic studies.
John Robert and friends go ziplining for Jibby's birthday!
Zippity Do Da!

Denver and friend explore the work of a blood bank lab technician
at the St. Louis Science Center.

Denver and Spencer get silly at the Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts.

John and Quinn enjoy fine dining and especially dessert!

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