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Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Big Storm

Our backporch loaded with firewood. The woodstove ablaze. Candles. Flashlights. Blankets. Plenty of food and water. News forecasts predicting days of ice, sleet, snow, and sub-freezing temperatures.

Now it's all melting, and I wish I had relaxed and enjoyed it more. Isn't that often the way it is?

The boys had no such problems. I smiled as they slid downhill on the laundry basket and "made music" by knocking the icicles off the pasture fence. Denver was amazed by the sound of sleet falling in the woods. We ate freshly baked bread, chocolate chip cookies, and hot baked potatoes. We took walks in the sleet and snow. There were deer tracks, squirrel tracks, birds, and rabbits. We cuddled together on blankets by the wood stove.

This morning, I took a run with Lady as the snow began to melt and the blue sky peeked through the grey clouds. The boys enjoyed snowball fights and riding down the driveway in the laundry basket one more time. I guess we've made it through the "big storm." Now I can look back at the last two days, smile, and sigh.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Gentle Day Today

Getting cozy by the new wood stove.
Last night, six boys circled the house with Nerf guns popping. Shouts could be heard from a quarter mile away. Lady and I sighed as we returned from our short walk to escape the chaos.

Sleepovers are wonderful . . . for the boys. At midnight, I opened my bedroom door to see a cowboy, a zombie, and the grim reaper running down the hallway! It was a loud, boisterous party and I'm grateful for my boys' fine friends; but I confess I'm glad the party's over.

Today, we curl up near the fire, speak softly, and take it easy. Eventually, the costume closet will be refilled and crammed shut. The floor will be vacuumed. The assorted legos and nerf guns will find their way upstairs.

A gentle day today.
Cleaning up after the sleepover.

John and Cameron discuss
video game strategy.

Denver and Alex enjoy ice cream cake!
Shaw and Spencer
building with Legos.

John Robert in his "uniform"

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Learning Rich

The High Museum in Atlanta

Any place can be a rich environment for learning. Sometimes the best place is curled on the couch by the window watching a squirrel. Sometimes it is in a book or the backyard where Spencer and Denver have their "secret" hideout. And sometimes-- but only sometimes-- we enjoy learning at museums.

John Robert took this photo of Denver, Spencer, and me.

Denver and Spencer building in one of the Children's Areas


My Three Sons exploring the High Museum


Joy Bubbles

The Bubble Boys

Denver and Spencer's bowl of dish soap for bubblemaking.

With only the slightest nudge, old science kits are rediscovered and turn into a morning of delight.

I find that life is best enjoyed without a script and with only a loose lesson plan. That is when the Joy bubbles up.

Denver and Spencer enjoy an adventure game together.

Dancing with Dishes

Fantasizing about a make believe life . . . one with more travel and fewer dirty dishes . . . cannot compare to those moments when I embrace our family's life as it really is-- dirty dishes and all!
My Lady in waiting . . . for a dropped cookie!

John and I on our Savannah trip.

Denver, Spencer, and friend enjoy a game
they created at the Atlanta History Center.

John Robert and Quinn
at the Atlanta History Center.