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Friday, November 28, 2014

Abundance and Gratitude

A Thanksgiving Hike with Family and Friends

Abundant blue sky, falling leaves, hiking with my children and parents, the boys spending time with family and friends, my husband home-- Surprise!-- for Thanksgiving.

Abundant blessings surround us.

Nevermind that our labrador ate the smoked turkey we left out on the counter . . . Gratitude that he did not have to be taken to the emergency vet after eating ALL those bones!

How do you play Settlers of Cataan?

Making Ninja Bread Cookies with Friends.

Denver on a Wire at the obstacle course.

No, it's not a hearing aid :-)
Jibby enjoys his music!

The Chess Game

My Dad and Me
Me and my Mom!
John Robert gets Humbled by Papa Dale.

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