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Thursday, April 23, 2015

If Homeschoolers Advertised

Little Bit patiently poses while Denver dressed
her in several hats and costumes.
Denver and Spencer helped Daddy give Maximus a bath
after he played in mud puddles.
Sleepily enjoying a little Dr. Seuss.
Spencer is a wonderfully patient listener
as Denver works out each word.
If homeschoolers advertised, I could brag about the life skills and pet therapy our school offers.  I could point out the children's ability to follow their own interests at their own pace and their opportunity to learn from different age groups under close supervision.   
Spencer plays a math game
from Calculus for Young People

       If our homeschool were a standard school, other parents might be interested in our upcoming trip to a Civil War reenactment, the Shakespeare's Tavern to complement our history and language learning, and our visit to Fernbank to study poisons in science, literature, and history.  I could point out the boys' exemplary test scores despite the fact that they do no preparation whatsoever throughout the year.

After rising well before dawn, playing Civil War
for two hours, asking me innumerable questions
about weaponry and military tactics,
and asking me to help him read his Civil War
 adventure book, Denver went back to sleep
while the rest of us ate breakfast.
                                         Most importantly, I could charge an incredibly steep tuition for the highly individualized lesson plans for each child and the low student/teacher ratio.  

Instead, I do it for free. And it's the best job ever.  Except for the lack of paycheck.  
Sorry, Honey.
John Robert during lunch
in his usual position.
Denver and I prepared a delicious lunch
of butternut squash, spinach,
cranberries and pecans.

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