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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Confederate Crazy

Lt. Denver and Corporal Jake
 Go big or go home.  That's Denver's motto.  It's not enough to read a book or watch a movie.  He has to live his passions.

That is why we are now the proud owners of Civil War action figures, books, uniforms, muskets, pistols, movies, and video games.  It's also why every nature walk we've taken recently involves Denver yelling, "Charge!" and the rest of us racing behind him down the hiking trails and engaging in imaginary combat.  Shhh . . . A peace loving mom does get tired.

Nevertheless, today we registered to attend The Battle of Resaca reenactment.  We're hoping our history loving Paw Paw will join us.  

These boys . . . They are forever teaching me new things. 


Of course, no obsession would be complete
without the complementary video game!

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