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Monday, May 29, 2017

Where did our baby go?

Three years ago.

Kayaking on the Yellow River
over Spring Break.

National Honor Society Induction
John Robert is the big brother, our first born son, and the first grandchild born into our family.  He has long been the center of attention-- the first baby to walk, first to read, and now the first to drive and earn his own income!

He has always been the observer and peacemaker in our family; slow to anger, quick to help.  He was the child upon whom John and I honed our parenting skills-- for better or worse.  We adored him from the moment we first saw his squished little red face, and we still do.

Even if he weren't handsome, charming, intelligent, and athletic, I'm sure he would still feel the weight of his family's attention; he would still tire of the stories we tell of John Robert as infant, John Robert as toddler.

Special Awards in EVERY class, as well as many
extracurricular activities.
At age 16, John Robert would prefer to be largely ignored except for hugs and hamburgers.  We have talked enough that I know he feels a nearly unbearable pressure not to fail any of us. He believes (and we disagree about this) that great things are expected of him.  Maybe he is right.  

This handsome child has grown up before my eyes and become a young man I admire and trust.  He is intelligent, curious, and fun to talk to.  He is patient to a fault, and puts up with all of his family's failings and annoying (charming?) eccentricities.

It is almost too much for this Momma to bear as I watch him hopping into the car with friends and driving away; as I watch him driving away-- to work at his first job.  A lifeguard.  Tears arise.  It feels like my hardest work with him is almost done.  The little boy who used to run up to other children and say, "Hi.  I Juh-Jobber.  Do you like dinosaurs or trains?"  That little boy is gone.  The grief rests just beneath my joy.    
Acknowledged by the Board of Education
for his Swim Team accomplishments.

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