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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Summer Flying By . . .

Spencer driving Alice, his great grandfather's beloved tractor.
First Place in his Age Group!
Summer is flying by, much like Denver in the midst of his latest triathlon.

I think about writing blog posts, keeping track of our family's experiences, and then I turn around and six weeks have passed without my seeming to do anything other than wash clothes and dishes, and feed the dogs.

The pool is a fun place for us-- as always!
We have just returned from another wonderful trip to my parents' home in Missouri. Spencer celebrated his birthday there, we saw family and friends, we rode bicycles, we went to a Cardinals baseball game, the boys shot guns with their dad and Papa Dale. We hiked and climbed at Elephant Rocks.  Denver and I even ran a race at my old high school with cousins Breanna, Hannah, Uncle Rob and Aunt Melissa. 

Help from Dadders
Note: Denver's insistence on wearing
a cowboy hat!

Pregame Dinner with Nana and Papa Dale, Uncle Rob,
Aunt Melissa, Hannah and Breanna.

Busch Stadium 
Denver stuck close to Uncle Rob
and learned a LOT about baseball!
Jibby and Spencer at the game.
This trip was different primarily because for the first time, my dad was less active.  The day before our flight to Missouri, my dad was the victim of a distracted driver.  She drove into him head-on while he saw her coming and tried to slam on the brakes and pull to the side of the road before the impact.  Luckily, though his truck was totaled, his body survived with only deep bruising and temporary (we hope!) damage to his back, foot, and hand.  She was not so lucky, and had to be air lifted to a St. Louis hospital.  We don't know if she survived. 

For us, the sadness was not having Papa Dale with us on our hikes and bike rides.  He is usually the leader of nearly endless activities.  It was strange to see him sitting so much and walking so slowly.  Of course, it could have been much worse.  I cannot tell you how happy I was to hug him when I first saw him limping toward us at the airport!

Now we are home from our wonderful trip, and we have explored Fernbank's new exhibit on Mastodons.  John Robert is busy with friends and work.  John is preparing to leave on a work trip, I am training for my Ironman, Denver is prepping for his two remaining swim meets, and Spencer is working on his WWII models and helping Paw Paw and Dadders with mowing and leafblowing.  Our summer flies by like the grass clippings....  simple, fleeting, fragrant.
A little hike with Denver in Missouri.

Enjoying a little silliness at Fernbank's latest exhibit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my! Wonderful memories and pictures posted! Thanks, my beautiful daughter-in-law! How blessed we are that you have graced our lives and given us these marvelous grandsons!
