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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Seven Happy Birthdays

Happy Birthday, Denver!
His Lordship is Seven years old today. The festivities began with gifts upon waking (which Denver had requested in advance!). After a yummy breakfast and a Happy Birthday phone call from Nana and Papa Dale, Denver left for a trip to the Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts with good buddy Alex. They saw The Dragon King and made puppets.
Today was the first time Denver chose to spend time away from me on his birthday. It was a little sad to watch him ride away-- not even looking back-- already deep in conversation with his friend.

The rest of the day is a blur of happy activities-- loading games and books on Denver's new kindle (Thank you, Nana!), watching the boys enjoy their new Batman Wii game, taking care of the usual homeschool activities with Spencer and John Robert. Late in the afternoon, Denver had a surprise visit from our friend, Quinn. Bearing gifts of chocolate and a Batman figurine, Quinn and his family were well recieved by his majesty!

Alex and Denver show off their new dragon puppets.
In the evening, we enjoyed celebrating with Mimi and Paw Paw. Mimi made an Egyptian themed cake and gave Denver a wonderful gift-- a new Skylanders game! The boys had been hoping to get it for Christmas-- they were overjoyed when they realized their good fortune.

The best part of my day was hearing the answer to the question, "Denver, what did you wish for?"

Denver glanced up from his cake after having blown out his candles and smiled. "Nothing," he said. "I have everything."

The Dragon King puppet show.

Spencer and Denver show off
the new Kindle.

Snoopy . . . Denver's gift from Alex.

Denver is King for the Day.


Denver shows off both his new game
and the crown made for him by Spencer.

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