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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Choosing Joy-- or going from draft horse to songbird.

Heirloom tools for those days when I choose to bake.
I often hear people talking about all the things they "have to" do. I understand. I used to use that phrase too. One of my dearest friends has the habit of talking about how "hard" I work; how "busy" I am; and how she doesn't see how I "do" it. These phrases make me feel like a draft horse instead of a songbird.

Have To creates a burden on one's life. It steals the joy. We actually "have to" do very little. We do have choices. We can choose what brings us the most joy.

For instance, I don't have to cook for my family. We could eat fast food. I could teach the boys to cook for themselves. I could prepare a smorgasbord of snack food from the fridge and allow everyone to just graze when they feel like it. I've made each of these choices at times. Yet, I often choose to prepare a fresh, delicious meal because I choose to support and nurture my family and myself. It's a choice. And it brings me joy.

As I clean the dishes, I love to look at these treasures:
a hawk's feather found by Spencer at Charlie Elliot, a rock
shaped like a heart discovered by John Robert when he was
four; and a quartz crystal given to me by Denver.

Whether it's deciding to clean the house, take the boys on a field trip, accepting additional work outside the home to supplement our income, or choosing to exercise so that I'll feel better; all of these are choices. We don't "have to."

Anytime you feel a "have to" riding on your back, you might try shaking it off and examining it. See if you can identify at least one other choice. See if you can embrace the choice that brings you the most joy. Don't forget to whistle while you work.

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