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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Making Space for Adventure

Making Memories
As much as I adore books and reading, it has been my observation that experiences teach more than words.  With John off work for four days and excited about doing something with the family, we loaded up our bags and set a course for Huntsville, Alabama and the U.S. Space & Rocket Center.

I enjoy museums.  I am passionate about the history of all kinds of ideas. But truthfully, space exploration has never been my thing.  The boys felt otherwise.

My Happy Astronauts
John Robert enjoyed figuring out how everything worked.  John enjoyed sharing his understanding with the boys.  John is extremely knowledgeable about how rockets work and the design problems the engineers overcame; and we all know he is a great storyteller!  It was a pleasure to share his company and his knowledge of space travel.  The boys really enjoyed having their daddy on this trip.

Spencer in front of the Lunar Module.
There were rocket simulators, hands-on activities, gigantic rockets, theme park style rides related to space travel, and space capsules you can play in. All the boys loved the experience, and everyone got along really well the whole day.  Oh yes, and don't forget Dippin' Dots-- that beloved freeze dried ice cream eaten by actual astronauts!

After many hours, many exhibits, and much interest, Spencer and I stood near the exit waiting for everyone else.  A group of about 30 children walked passed, all in matching shirts, led by teachers and chaperones.
"That's how school is," Spencer muttered to me after they passed.
"What do you mean?," I asked.
"Everyone get over here; look at me and Listen!," Spencer perfectly mimicked the teacher's shrill voice.
I smiled.  "It is nice to get to explore whatever you're interested in at your own pace," I agreed.
I'm so glad we can homeschool!

Denver inside the Mercury capsule.
Spencer admires an early two man submarine.

Spencer and Denver
are Go for Launch!

The boys take an exciting ride
shooting up from the earth and
plummeting back down safely.
Someone had to stay on the ground
and take the picture!
Two Buddies chillaxin' at the hotel.
The rest of the trip was filled with the delights of the hotel swimming pool, and a trip to Southern Adventures for go carts and video games before packing up and heading for home.
Time and money well spent.      
A rare photo of the
elusive John Robert.
Spencer and John Robert are ready to roll!
After the museum, the boys
loved the heated pool
at the hotel.

Go Cart racing at Southern Adventures!
All of my Boys at Southern Adventure.
I can't wait for the next one!

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