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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Baskets, Chocolate Bunnies, and Three Boys

Swingin' into Spring!
Getting ready for the big egg hunt.
The days, weeks, and years fly past.  I capture a few moments to help remember as much as I can.

Between the dirty dishes and the growing feet of three boys, there are a lot of details to distract me from simply looking at them and sighing in wonder and gratitude.

Life, love, and laughter abound.   A supportive and loving family surrounds these little guys in a web that reaches out hundreds of miles to grandparents many states away.  Their baskets runneth over!  
Jibby got a new phone and he is so proud of it!
Darth Vader Easter eggs?!  Ahh . . . the joy of boys!
Denver is generous with the sprinkles
on the Easter cupcakes he helped bake.

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