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Friday, June 27, 2014

Java isn't just Coffee-- an old dog learns new tricks.

This was supposed to be Spencer's Big Birthday Gift.  I was happy for him, but had no interest in it for myself: creating Minecraft mods, learning Java programming, and learning a heck of a lot about computers.  

It began happily enough just four days ago on his birthday.  I charged an exorbitant amount of money on our debit card and downloaded a new Java programming tutorial for Spencie to open on his NEW computer when he awoke.
Birthday Morning--
A New Computer and the Minecraft
Tutorial he had been requesting

All did not go as planned.  After a happy day of listening and learning, Spencer hit a snag.  No big deal, I thought.  We'll figure it out.  I tried to help.  When we both reached our frustration limit, I sent an email request to the seemingly helpful customer service assistant.  

So far she has emailed me twice with detailed instructions.  I followed the instructions carefully, but the program still is not doing what it needs to do.  I took a picture of the screen and sent a third request for help to her.  We are awaiting her third response.

Ironically, when deciding whether to buy this program for Spencer, my primary concern was whether he would give up too easily.  Now I find that I am the weak link.  Spencer's desire to pursue computer programming is as strong as ever while I am kicking myself for buying this program!  

I am an old dog learning new tricks.  I don't like it.  Maybe this is how Spencer sometimes feels when he is presented with new material that he is told he must learn: multiplying fractions, long division, pre-algebra. 

As I face my frustration, I realize that patience, persistence, and kindness are the skills I need as both teacher and student.  Of course, at this point, we would also like a magic lamp and a computer genie! 

Four Days Later: 
All is Well in paradise.  Customer Service is as devoted to solving our programming problems as Spencer is to learning Java.  The program is working well and we are extremely pleased with both the assistance of Youth Digital and the fun way the Minecraft modding program is presented.  When Spencer is working through the tutorial, all of us stop, watch, and listen.  That guy is funny!  And we all know the Java Dance!  

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