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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What I did on my summer vacation

The boys celebrate the return of John Robert by
refusing to let him go!
Jibby and Spencer with cousin Hannah
We picked up a happy John Robert from Vanderbilt's Summer Academy in Nashville.  The boys and I then enjoyed a night in a fancy hotel with a big, beautiful pool (Thank you, Sweetie!) before heading north for Missouri and camping with Mom and Dad.  The trip was made even more joyful by hearing John Robert talk about his week of camp, his classes, and the friends he made.

Visiting my parents was a daily pleasure-- morning coffee watching the birds, bicycle riding, long runs on shady trails, hiking, boat riding and watching the boys ride the tube, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over the campfire, and enjoying my two beautiful nieces.
Denver enjoyed leaping off the boat for a swim!
Jibby and I in his dorm room at Vanderbilt.

Getting set for our daily bike ride!
We celebrated Father's Day with a big dinner at my brother's wonderful new home.  It was great to see family and friends and especially to talk with my nieces' great grandmother Betty.

After nearly a week of camping, we went to the St. Louis Science Center and the local outdoor water park with Denver's best buddy Jackson. Then there was the grand finale-- celebrating Spencer's birthday with a Minecraft party.  It was a delightful week.

Rob, Melissa, Dad, me, and John Robert
As every adult knows and no child can imagine, time flies with blinding swiftness.  It seems only yesterday I was learning to ski.  Last week I watched my eldest son wobbling, falling, and learning to ski just like I once did. We are all getting older, and I can only wish to live this life as well as possible.  
For me, that means focusing on loving relationships and joyful memories. Luckily, that is what I did on my summer vacation. 
Our Jibber in his second home . . . the pool.

Minecraft Birthday Party!

Minecraft Cake and figures

Spencer delights in the gifts
from his cousins.
Spencer and John Robert work in the laboratory
at the St. Louis Science Center.
The Science Center's special exhibit featured
mechanical dinosaurs as movable pieces of art.

Relaxing around the hotel pool
while the boys swim.
Spencer and Denver chillin' at the hotel in their own bedroom!
Denver and Jackson sit in the front row
during a chemistry show at the
St. Louis Science Center.
Mr. Muscles drives the boat.

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