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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ups and Downs


Up a tree.
Down a slide.
The boys are a swirl of activity and sometimes I feel like nothing so much as the slightly out of control ringmaster of the Degonia Circus.
Looks like time for ice cream

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Spencer, Minecraft, and Monty Python

Spencer played Minecraft for hours today-- as he often does when he's not playing with friends.  He even took it with him in the car on our way to buy lunch.  I drove along wondering whether I was making a mistake allowing him so much time to play a video game.  I knew he was getting his homeschool work done, but still . . . Shouldn't he be reading more?  Or doing math flashcards?  Was he learning anything?  All I could see was his blond head bent over his Kindle.  Before I panicked, I decided to learn more about what he was doing.

Spencer, Shaw, and Denver pose for a photo
wearing new mustaches.
"What are you doing on Minecraft now?" I asked. 

"Oh!  I'm building a new kind of castle.  It's my own design, but it's circular like they began building in the late middle ages when they discovered that seige weapons were less effective against a curved wall."

"Oh.  Okay."  My worries began to melt.  It looked and sounded like wonderfully creative learning to me. 

As I drove, Spencer showed me a bit of his design and explained the different things he was planning to add.  I was amazed at all the things he knew about various castle designs.  He reminded me that in addition to the books he's read, he also watched some very good documentaries about castles; all of which he seemed to remember and wanted to share in great detail.  

Spencer, Alex, and Denver share a jumpy
waterslide with a girl.
Later that afternoon, we sat with his brothers and one of their friends, laughing and watching Monty Python's The Holy Grail. This wasn't part of a planned unit on castles, but it complemented Spencer's interests beautifully.  They all knew a great deal about the middle ages and the legends of King Arthur, but they had never before been exposed to the outrageous humor of Monty Python.  They laughed hysterically at the English comedy.  We ate brownies and had a splendid afternoon.  Like a lot of our lives, it was a day of learning that simply looked (and felt) like play.
Checking off his Homeschool To Do List.
Having fun at Game Time.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Making Waves

200 Medley Relay
Seventh in the State!
John Robert's summer swim team experience ended with a splash this past weekend.  He qualified for the State Meet in four events: 100m freestyle, 50m backstroke, 200m medley relay, and 200m freestyle relay.  It was a joy to watch him give it all he had.
Jibby hamming it up during the Parade of Athletes
prior to the State Finals!

Amazingly, he finished in the state's top ten in three events: 50m backstroke, 200m medley relay, and 200m freestyle relay.  He finished 11th in the 100m freestyle.  
John and teammate Billy Allen;
members of the 200m medley relay.
Waiting for the starting buzzer during finals
of the medley relay.

The best part for me was observing John Robert's enthusiasm and dedication-- even when it meant seeing him too nervous to eat (a rare sight for anyone who knows him).  I love that he has a sport he is excited about and he now sees himself as both an academic scholar and an athlete.  

Time well spent!

Thank you Ginny for the fabulous pictures!

John Robert at the starting buzzer of the 200m medley relay swimming backstroke.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Lady: She never lived up to her name :-) April 2005 to July 20, 2014

Words fail.
A day hike in the snow.  She'll carry your hot chocolate.
Hiking near the frozen pond
at Charlie Elliott
Lady and her puppies.
Dressed as a reindeer for Christmas.
She thought she might catch one.
Patient Lady . . . She put up with a lot.
Waiting by my shoes until I'm ready for my run.
My good girl.
I always wondered who those people were who cried so hard after the death of a pet.  Did they have no family, no children?  Now I know the truth about that sadness.  Thank you, Lady, for all you have taught me.  

I forgive you for all of the racoons and squirrels you presented to me.  I also forgive you for the holes in the yard that twisted our ankles, the hair on the carpet that may never come out, the barking and the attempts to attack visitors (though I cannot speak for John Douglas).

Friday, July 11, 2014

Cruising down the road in search of good friends and good news . . .

Spencer enjoyed EVERYTHING about Six Flags!
Although it doesn't often happen, there are those hours, days, and weeks where life seems to be on a happy cruise speed.  Enough time for work.  Enough time to play.  A happy blend of free time and making things happen.  Between getting back into our homeschool routine and completing Jibby's summer swimming season, we are busy; but not too busy for the boys to take a trip to Six Flags with their Daddy and still spend lots of afternoons at the pool with friends.
Spencer is building a new sword
on his computer program.

Like the Muppets, we are a happy band of characters just cruisin' down the road. 
Denver's reading skills continue to grow!

Spencer reviews fraction work-- adding, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing.
Denver writes a haiku!

Friday, July 4, 2014

News Alert from The Newton Citizen on July 2, 2014: Local Middle School Student Attends Vanderbilt Summer Program

Local rising eighth-grade student John Degonia participated in Vanderbilt University’s exclusive nationwide Summer Academy in June. While attending the program, Degonia studied logic, statistics and problem solving. (Special photo)

Local rising eighth-grade student John Degonia participated in Vanderbilt University’s exclusive nationwide Summer Academy in June. While attending the program, Degonia studied logic, statistics and problem solving. (Special photo)

COVINGTON — A local rising eighth-grade homeschool student was selected to take part in a national summer program for scholastically skilled students.
Covington resident John Degonia attended the Vanderbilt Summer Academy for academically gifted students in June. After receiving high SAT scores and being named a Duke Talent Identification Program student, Degonia was qualified for the Vanderbilt program. While there, he studied logic, statistics and problem solving.
“Students who attend Vanderbilt Summer Academy are among the brightest in the country, scoring in the top tier on academic achievement tests such as the SAT or ACT,” said Tamra Stambaugh, an executive director of Vanderbilt. “Our classes develop students’ critical thinking skills, encourage intellectual exploration, and teach them how to thrive in a college classroom setting. Students are able to push their intellectual limits alongside peers who also appreciate the sheer joy of learning and discovery.”
The programs for talented youth at Vanderbilt seek to identify and support academically gifted students by providing academic acceleration, challenge and balance to their curriculum.
“The professors were engaging and the classes fun,” said Degonia. “I had a great time and met a lot of really bright students who became friends.”

Children: A Surprise in Every Box

John Robert received attention
from our local paper for his
summer studies.
I was so much smarter about parenting before I had children. Little did I know that no one set of rules would work for any child, and just about the time I think I understand what is best for a child, he changes.  Usually overnight.  

No matter how I plan, prepare, and work; there is always a surprise in every child every day.  Like Cracker Jacks.  

They keep me in a nearly constant state of wonder and gratitude.
My marvelous boys.  
The EVER HUNGRY John Robert
devours a chicken sandwich
between swimming events.

Spencer is now 11
and is learning computer programming!

Denver unexpectedly enjoyed grammar this week!
Spencer does the JAVA dance
between computer programming sessions.

Happy Birthday, America!

The Oxford Fourth of July Parade, brunch with friends while we watch the parade, time for the swimming pool, burgers on the grill, and relaxing with family and ice cream.  Fireworks tonight.

The Fourth of July: a time of gratitude for our rich lives and wonderful relationships.
Hoyt Oliver makes a fine Uncle Sam.