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Friday, July 11, 2014

Cruising down the road in search of good friends and good news . . .

Spencer enjoyed EVERYTHING about Six Flags!
Although it doesn't often happen, there are those hours, days, and weeks where life seems to be on a happy cruise speed.  Enough time for work.  Enough time to play.  A happy blend of free time and making things happen.  Between getting back into our homeschool routine and completing Jibby's summer swimming season, we are busy; but not too busy for the boys to take a trip to Six Flags with their Daddy and still spend lots of afternoons at the pool with friends.
Spencer is building a new sword
on his computer program.

Like the Muppets, we are a happy band of characters just cruisin' down the road. 
Denver's reading skills continue to grow!

Spencer reviews fraction work-- adding, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing.
Denver writes a haiku!

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