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Friday, October 17, 2014

Cuddle Therapy

Jake the Dog
Jake seems to have found his vocation: therapy dog.

Jake may not be much of a hunting dog.  He may be uninterested in agility work; but he is always interested in being your friend.

This week, Jake not only joined me while I taught yoga (lying quietly in downward dog for over 90 minutes), but he accompanied us to the Montessori School while I taught writing. In addition to playing ball with children at recess, Jake began a cuddle corner where any child could spend time petting and talking to him.  It was a beautiful sight.

When I saw formerly anxious students sighing deeply and resting beside Jake, I realized (maybe for the first time) that the comfort and emotional support of a soft, loving pet is real therapy for many people. 

Although he has not yet taken his Therapy Certification test, we are very happy to begin thinking of Jake as a therapy dog.

Cuddle Therapy

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