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Monday, January 5, 2015

Every Teacher's Dream

What if enthusiastic, knowledgable historians dressed in costume and provided a full afternoon of history activities for your children?  

No tests required. Children laughing and having fun as well as listening intently. That would be an invitation for remarkable learning. 

Denver and buddy in battle.
The Atlanta History Center's monthly Homeschool Day is a teacher's dream come true. They understand the need for both informative, interesting facts and rowdy, kid friendly activities.  

Ready for Battle
Today was a broad study of the Middle Ages.  There was jousting (with pool noodles!), dancing, and cockfighting (children played roosters and tried to pop each other's balloons tied to their shoes).

The boys' favorite activity was swordfighting with real helmets and gauntlets.  While they battled, an enthusiastic historian regaled us with tales and trivia of the Hundred Years War.
One of the many knowledgable teachers
we learned from this afternoon.

We were invited to learn about the plague, build a catapult, and complete obstacle courses based on medieval superstitions.  

A wonderful afternoon for the boys and their friends . . . and this Homeschool Momma.
Our crew today at the History Center.

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