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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Zombie Apocolypse New Year's Eve Nerf Gun Battle

This probably never would have happened if John and I had daughters: The Zombie Apocolypse New Year's Eve Nerf Gun Battle.

Neighbors began asking questions by mid-afternoon.  John had wrapped yellow CAUTION tape around the trees.  Signs warned passersby: BEWARE OF ZOMBIES, ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE.  We warned our neighbors about the probability of fireworks, smoke bombs, and errant nerf darts.  All of which happened.

We also enjoyed s'mores and a campfire.  There was silly string, laughter, and nine children having fun together.  A little shy at first, they made themselves at home quickly.  By the end of the evening, the bathroom looked like a crime scene from all the fake blood and zombie make up.  

Monsters have been defeated.  Welcome 2015.  

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