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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Peaceful Choices

Choices: Candy or Not?  If so, how many?  Which ones?

It's better for me and everyone around me when I remember that life-- at least for adults-- is a series of choices, not "have to"s.

The Boys Swordfighting with a Friend
I don't have to yell when my children shoot nerf darts in the house or the puppy eats another pair of my shoes.  

I can take a deep breath instead, and remember that my actions matter; and then maybe say something a bit more gentle.

I don't have to have a certain kind of house (clean) or be a certain kind of parent (strict).  Instead, I can consider the kindest choice in that moment, and I can make the most peaceful choice if I'm paying attention.  
Denver chose to play a waiter
during a game at the
Montessori School

Moment by moment, my choice to be patient, kind, and good humored sets the tone for our home.  

I'm still working on it. 

John Robert has chosen to attend
Morgan County High School next year.

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