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Friday, March 27, 2015

"Slow Down and Chew Your Food," said my mom every day of my life. :-)

Confession time . . . I live primarily on coffee, cashews, and Coke Zero.  It doesn't seem like I really have time to prepare a meal for myself.  I usually eat from a small dish of cashews while I dash around the house homeschooling the children, chasing one of our three dogs, answering the phone or a text, or getting ready to go to one of my four (really?)
part time jobs.

Sara's delicious rainbow swiss chard

Sometimes I come to my senses.  Today I did, and this is why: My dear friend Sara Vinson from Yellow Hen Farms delivered bundles of her beautiful greens to my door. How could I not take the time to prepare and enjoy them?

So after sending my children off to a church pancake dinner, my husband and I unpacked our goodies and began chopping-- fresh, colorful swiss chard, beet greens, mushrooms, onion, garlic, sundried tomatoes-- all sauteed with plentiful olive oil and delicious spices.  Add a little grilled steak and chicken for the carnivorously inclined.

John and I on a Bahamas vacation . . .
three years ago.

Oh, My!  This is what real food tastes like.  I had almost forgotten. 

My vow: More Real Food. More Slow Food.  Fewer cashews.

Also, more wine with dinner and more dinners with my handsome hubby.  Delicious.  

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