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Monday, August 10, 2015

Fasten Your Seatbelts . . . Here We Go!

Spencer's 12th Birthday Party.
Minecraft Themed . . . of course!
After only two months of summer vacation, I was not ready to leap back into homeschool.  I was still enjoying working on my tan and reading my Lincoln biography.  Yet here we are. . . and we're having a ball.
This year, John Robert commutes 50 miles round trip to and from Morgan County High School. There are many good things about this: He is very happy, and has already made new friends.  For the first time, he has several male teachers, and he thinks that is interesting.  The courses are rigorous.  He'll be learning a great deal this year, and I won't have to worry about finding tutors or curricula and classes for him.  

John Robert (in black) celebrating
a wonderful swim season.
John commutes with three other boys from Covington, and the other moms and I share the load of driving 100 miles a day.  All of this is wonderful.
Back to School Week!

The other boys and I are enjoying a leap back into homeschool with more traveling as well.  After a spring and summer with few field trips, this year we are heavily loaded with "outside the books" learning.  

Denver embraces Latin studies with an abundance
of projects-- wax writing tablets, a protective
necklace called a bulla, and baking feast cakes.
On Mondays, Spencer has Civil Air Patrol where he is hoping to learn about flight, navigation, and engineering. Denver is very excited about his new Scout troop.  

On Tuesdays, we travel to Atlanta for homeschool classes in Geography, Robotics, and a course entitled History and the Art of Weaponry. 

We are enjoying two wonderful
microscopes as we explore
tiny living things this fall.
Spencer is amazed at a sample
from inside his mouth!
On Wednesdays, when I must be in court, the boys spend the entire day at the Montessori school.  They bring their homeschool work with them, and participate in music, gardening, lunch and recess with the other children.

Fridays are dedicated to a variety of field trips; something different each Friday of the month-- Shakespeare Theatre, Charlie Elliott Homeschool Days, Art History Workshops in Conyers, and Atlanta History Center Homeschool Days.  Finally, Spencer has his beloved computer coding class in Atlanta on Saturday afternoons. 

Denver (in red) playing with other
 cub scouts after their meeting.
So all of that looks good on paper.  But so far . . . it's a challenge!  I am spoiled by all the free time I've had this summer; and trying to balance the boys' schedule with work, housekeeping, my running and race schedule, dog care (don't forget the dogs!), and the rest of our homeschool curriculum is a challenge.  Oh, yes, I have a husband, too!  And we need groceries!  But we'll get there!

Exploring Fractions
On the bright side, the boys were almost happy to be busier.  We've enjoyed launching back into Latin with a new, kid-friendly curriculum.  The boys are cheerfully doing math, science, history, writing, and everything I've asked them to do.  What a joy!  I am so grateful to have this time with all of my boys.  

Making clay Roman soldiers.

Roman Soldier Denver ready for battle!


  1. How are you able to attend Morgan, when you live in Newton? I didn't know this was an option. I homeschool because the Newton system didn't know how to handle my two 2e kids. I do not have the energy and enthusiasm you show...driving all over metro and sitting while they take classes. I did it in 2013-14 every day of the week including Sat. & had to say no more. Did your son do homeschool up to high school...and did Morgan require testing to place him in classes? Thanks for sharing.

    1. My understanding is that Morgan County accepts a few out of county students. You just have to apply. They did not require testing for our son who was homeschooled 5th through 8th grade. I did send in a portfolio. I love that Morgan County offers advanced classes to whomever wants them-- no testing into Quest, etc. The cost is about $3,000 per year-- which is a big stretch for us, but worth it so far. My son is very happy with the enthusiasm and knowledge base of the teachers; he likes his fellow students; and he is enthusiastic about the curriculum. I highly recommend your taking a tour if you're interested.

  2. I absolutely loved this little "Familiography" and hope you are doing well, Judge!
    I didn't know you were into running Marathons? I used to be quite the avid runner before I came to Porterdale, but I guess retirement has gotten the best of me.
    Be well...
