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Saturday, April 16, 2016


Spencer and I this morning--
 Ready for the Cheerios Challenge
 "What have you been doing lately?"  I hear this question all the time from friends and family.  

I never know what to say.  I am mostly too busy to stop and think about it.  I usually end up smiling and saying something like, "I don't know" or "Just the usual!"

The truth is we are happily busy. This week is typical. I was in court three days, taught writing at Montessori, and yoga to clients.

I swam.  I biked.  I ran.  I strength trained and did yoga.  I helped guide the boys through their homeschool.  John flew all over the United States, swooping in to change clothes and flying away again. 

And the boys were busy, too!  We had Atlanta Zoo Homeschool Academy this week, and science camp at Charlie Elliot Nature Center, too.  Spencer can tell you all about ungulates (hooved mammals) and both Spencer and Denver can teach you about animal mimicry-- like the way a non-venomous milk snake's color mimics a venomous coral snake. 
Denver and Spencer posing in costume
with some of the weaponry they made
in their History of War art class.

At their LEAD classes this week, the boys completed several pieces of weaponry and were able to bring them home.  Our homeschool room now looks like an armory. 

John Robert had several projects and exams this week before reaching the finish line that is spring break.  He bought himself a new cell phone after an unexpected disaster with his beloved Samsung last week.  

And there is more adventure coming!  Denver has a scout hike this afternoon, and all three boys will go see a musical with their Mimi tomorrow.

On Tuesday we are off on a spring break adventure to Thomas Jefferson's famous Monticello, to colonial Williamsburg to learn more about early America; and finally, to Busch Gardens for rollercoasters.  We are one lucky family.  Cheerio! 
Denver and an alligator snapping turtle
at the Atlanta Zoo.

Up close with an alligator snapping turtle.

Denver and a frisky Timber Rattlesnake.

Denver on a baboon at the zoo.

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