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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Growing Up

While running errands yesterday, Denver told me he'd been considering possible careers.  Since we really hadn't talked too much about this, I was intrigued.  "What are you considering?," I asked.

"Well, I don't want to do anything where I might die," he said.  "So I don't want to be a pilot."

"Oh.  Well, Daddy's job can be a little risky.  How about a judge?," I asked.  "That's pretty safe."

"No, too boring.  Just blah, blah, you go to jail; blah, blah, you don't go to jail.  I'm thinking about being a pizza delivery man."

Oh my . . . I really have to get better about seeing these things coming!  I guess when you're six years old the thought of driving a car and eating pizza is about as good as it gets!

I never know what they're going to do to surprise me, but they always do!

Spencer and friend go incognito.

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