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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

It stopped raining at 4:30am on Easter morning.  I lay awake, looking forward to the day.  It is fun having a child who still believes in the Easter bunny.  Since I was already awake, and knowing Denver's propensity to wake up early, I prepared the Easter baskets.  Then Lady and I went out into the yard with a flashlight and a bag of Easter eggs to hide.  Lady must have thought I was crazy, walking around the yard in the dark dropping eggs; but she didn't eat them! 

At 7am, Denver awoke and jerked into a seated position.  "Happy Easter," I smiled at him.  "I wonder if the Easter bunny came.  Why don't you open the door and look outside?"
Denver ran to the door and opened it.  Eggs.  Everywhere. 

"Yes!," he shouted.  Denver quickly awoke his brothers and his father.  Within minutes, we were all outside in the cool, wet morning.  The boys had a wonderful time.  All too soon, they were back inside admiring their eggs while I made blueberry pancakes. 

After breakfast, we were off to church, while John left on a flight to Philadelphia.  The boys love their Sunday school teacher and their good friend, Quinn.  They seemed to enjoy church even more than usual. 

After a lovely Easter service, the boys participated in the church Easter egg hunt.  As one of the parents who helped hide the eggs, I can tell you that hiding them was almost as fun as watching the children find them!

With tummies full of cupcakes and candy, we then hurried to Mimi and Paw Paw's house for a big Easter dinner.  Mimi had gifts for the boys, and Spencer and Denver played outside with a new toy until dinner. 

It was a fine day.  A day of many blessings:  These beautiful, healthy children.  A fine, warm spring day with flowers blooming and green grass everywhere.  A loving family.  Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude, like the eggs overflowing our Easter baskets!


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