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Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Sweetness of an Ice Cream Social

The Old Church in Oxford as painted by a local artist.
It was an ice cream social in front of the Old Church on a surprisingly cool August evening. Mimi and Paw Paw wore their Lions Club vests and dished out ice cream to the happy crowd-- my children among them (more than once!). I saw people I hadn't seen in years, and we hugged and made plans to see each other again soon.

There was a bluegrass concert inside the church, but the boys and their friends chose a touch football game outside instead. I sat on the stone fence and watched the comedy unfold.

When everyone was grass stained and sweaty, we packed up our friend, Cameron, to spend the night and toodled home. A sweet time. Satisfied smiles-- with chocolate syrup around the edges.

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