At the same time, this parent adores her son and wants the best for him. She sees him as bright and curious. She sees the current Common Core curriculum as confusing and overwhelming.
And yet. . . she is afraid to take him out of school. Perhaps she views homeschool as giving up. She insists her son must "dig in."
Taking a child out of a bad situation isn't giving up. It might be saving the child years of unhappiness and destroyed self esteem.
Fear holds us back.
It held me back for years until my son was vomiting before school, suffering headaches and continual nausea, and praying to God for the teachers to stop screaming.
I've never met a homeschool parent who said, "I wish I'd kept my child in school longer."
The public schools will still be there if you change your mind.
Thoughts to Consider:
What if being out of school freed your child of labels and allowed him to follow his curiosity wherever it led?
What if your family became closer and cozier and gigglier because of all the time you'll spend together? What if you didn't have to worry much about bedtimes, so you could stay up late and watch that super cool documentary on space exploration?
What if . . . when your child expressed an interest in computers or dinosaurs or sharks, you wouldn't have to tell him to wait. You could go take a computer class or go to the science museum or to a science camp at Tybee Island and learn about sharks right away? What if?
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