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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Like Bringing a Sword to a Gunfight

Mr. Smarty Pants cuts me down to size.
Denver received two new video games for Christmas. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get either of them to work. Denver worked on them periodically for the past two days.  He declined any offers of assistance from me.

Today, I insisted that I be allowed to help.  He looked at me and sighed.  "Okay, Mom; but letting an adult help with video games is like bringing a sword to a gunfight.  It's just not that useful."

Where does he get this stuff?!  My eyes must have registered shock before I turned away and started laughing.  

Turns out, he was right.  I punched buttons for thirty minutes, checked cords, turned things off and on.  Video games still not working.  I guess I should just retire my sword.  :-)    

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