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Monday, December 29, 2014

No Magical Formula for Joyful, Sparkly Learning

Parents and teachers are always looking for a Magical Formula to nurture our children's growth.  

I used to believe that I could figure it out if I just thought about it long enough; if I just read enough books by smarter people than I.

After a master's degree in education, teaching students from pre-K to graduate school, 14 years of parenting, and a small fortune to for parenting and homeschooling books, I can tell you the magic formula does not exist.
The boys and I on a hike at
Charlie Elliott over

Christmas break.

It is our challenge as parents and teachers to find a way to meet each of our children's unique needs and maintain a joyful, sparkly environment for learning.

Sometimes the secret is to put down my books and lesson plans and ask the boys individually, "What do you want to explore?"

The answer may not be "Algebra," but whatever they want to learn, they will tackle with enthusiasm . . and that's how our lives stay joyful and sparkly.  

Denver enjoys some pumpkin chunkin'
at the cabin.
Spencer enjoys playing Minecraft with his brother
on the server he designed.

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