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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Knowing Everything in the World

Spencer is enjoying Minecraft computer camp this week.  He has a history of severe stomach aches and anxiety associated with classroom environments.  My eldest son helped me understand why this week is different.

"If you think of computer games as being their own worlds, then it is possible inside the computer game to know everything in the world."

Oh.  I'd never thought of it that way.  

Spencer tries on a new hat.
Spencer is on the verge of mastering the Minecraft world.  His teacher is interested and excited for him.  His classmates respect his knowledge.  He is feeling confident and happy.  

The effect is a smiling Spencer, and a willingness to play hide and seek and other games with his classmates at lunchtime.  The effect is an ability to eat a normal meal without becoming ill.

For some children, mastery of one world can lead to mastery in another.

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