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Friday, September 6, 2013

Women's Lib through my Son's Eyes

Today my son had his first biology class taught by an Emory physician. Afterward, I asked him about the class (he liked it) and about the teacher.
"Well," he said, "She kind of looks like Ms. Barbara (his math teacher who also teaches college math and physics). I mean, you'd never look at her and guess that she knows the things she knows. She looks more like a . . . " his voice trailed off.

"A grandmother who bakes cookies?" I suggested.

"Exactly," he smiled sheepishly. "A lot of grandmother-looking women aren't what they look like," he observed.

I smiled to myself. Not too long ago, it would have been nearly unimaginable to have a grandmother who is a masterful artist and another who ran a post office; to have a female math and physics professor, and a female biology professor who is also a physician; not to mention having a mom who is a judge. I am grateful that my children will grow up thinking such things normal, and knowing that a grandmotherly looking woman may have a lot to offer beyond chocolate chip cookies.

I'm filled with gratitude for all of the women who showed the world what we can do and have made my choices so much easier. I'm able to be a part-time judge who chooses to do what has always been the more important work: raising children and tending the nest.

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