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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone!  This morning was a joy as our six-year-old scrambled down the stairs shouting, "He CAME!"  First to look under the tree at the pile of boxes and bows, then to the stockings for early morning treats; finally, he noticed the Santa plate: "He ate the cookie!"  In addition, Santa wrote Denver a short note on the Christmas card Denver had lovingly prepared for him: "Ho!  Ho!  Ho!  Merry Christmas, Denver!"  Life is pretty much perfect on this day.  

It is a wonderful time to be a momma when children are so easily overjoyed.  All three boys are thrilled with their gifts.  Our house is full of love, food,-- and plastic.  The boys have been playing together on the Wii all day; stopping only for food.  The husband is napping all snug in his bed after nine days of work.  I am playing and reading and having a day heart full of gratitude.   

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