The Burning Bowl Ceremony was held at Unity Church yesterday. I missed it. One of my sons wasn't feeling well. I also thought the ceremony was on New Year's Eve and so I missed the whole thing. That turned out to be okay.
The Burning Bowl
We began. I wrote down two things I most needed to release from my life-- Anger and Conditional Love. The boys had no questions about the first one; but they wanted to know what I meant by conditional love. I said that no matter what is happening, no matter what we are doing or feeling, I want them to know and feel that my love for them is unconditional. They should never have to worry that my love depends upon certain behavior.
Denver (my five year old) is the child who most challenges my patience. Not surprisingly, he quickly picked up Conditional Love. "I'll put this one in," he announced. Lighting it ablaze, he placed it in the bowl and we watched the words flame, blacken, and curl into bits of ash. It was very satisfying. I said a prayer and released Anger into the flames. I no longer need it to tear at the fabric of our family's love.
Much to my surprise, it was Spencer who most enjoyed the ceremony. He began with Anger and Sadness, but didn't stop there. He set fire to Revenge and Jealousy, too. I didn't ask any questions, but simply assisted him in spelling the words. We said a prayer that our intentions for releasing these thoughts and feelings be assisted by God. We laughed when his Anger didn't want to burn. Again and again we had to dip it in the flames to dissolve it into ash.

"May All Beings Be Well.
May All Beings Be Happy.
May All Beings Know Peace." You, too.
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