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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spencer Surprises Me

Spencer lines paper airplanes for take off!
Spencer is growing and changing-- and I'd like to take the credit, but I can't!  Often shy and tempermental, he is beginning to shed that skin and become someone else.  Last night, we walked over to his Mimi's house to visit with his aunt, uncle, and his uncle's parents.  It is not something he enjoys too much.  He doesn't know them well and they don't play with children.  Instead, they tend to ask lots of questions in an effort to make conversation.  Until last night, he would literally look away when they were talking to him, his lower lip would stick out, and he would not respond in a voice anyone (other than I) could hear.

Yesterday was different.  When receiving presents, he was enthusiastic and polite.  He looked at people and thanked them.  He spoke in full sentences the entire evening.  It wasn't the gifts that lowered his guard.  I could tell it was still an effort for him to look at people and talk with them, but he is beginning to master those skills.  The adults around him were delighted with his conversation, his smiles, not to mention his dimple!

What has happened?  Was it the time with Papa Dale-- when he was the only child at a hunting camp with adults?  Was it homeschooling?  Was it just getting older?  The answer will most likely remain a mystery, but I am so happy for his growth. 

One thing that does not receive the credit are his supplements.  For over a year, Spencer has been taking supplements to help his mood.  They worked incredibly well for the first nine months.  I know this because occasionally we ran out of them and within two days his mood would deteriorate.  However, he is no longer taking them.  He told me over a week ago that he was very happy and no longer needed to take them.  Because I've been coaching myself to let children practice making decisions, I decided to let him try it.  I suggested that he listen to his feelings, and let me know if he began to feel sad without knowing why.  He has had no problems so far!  How wonderful!

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