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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

36 Hours of Adventure

On Monday, we left for a little adventure.  We drove to Red Top Mountain in the North Georgia Mountains and took a wonderful hike around Lake Allatoona.  Throw in a few candy bars and juiceboxes, and you've got a great day!  We had never been there, and the boys had a nice time running on the wide trails and seeing the remains of a fireplace from one of the first white settlers.  It was a perfect way to stretch our legs after a couple of hours in the car.  The weather was perfect!  
After several miles of trail hiking, we left for nearby Cartersville, and our free stay at the Hilton Hotel (thanks to John's accumulated travel points!).  I enjoyed doing yoga at the fitness center while the boys enjoyed swimming in the heated pool, which was half indoor and half outdoor!  We ate at Chili's restaurant-- which was a big hit for the boys.  Poor John had forgotten how different it is to travel with three boys and a wife after doing so much travel for work.  We are a traveling circus!
On Tuesday, we went to the Tellus Science Center.  The boys had been there once with Mimi and Paw Paw, but John and I had never seen it.  The boys loved it.  John enjoyed the exhibits related to flight and space best.  The boys seemed to love it all, and I am so grateful we could take them and allow them to take several hours to see everything from dinosaur fossils to rocket replicas to minerals and panning for gems.  It was a sharp contrast to the other school groups being herded from one place to the next with no opportunity to linger or ask questions.

John and the boys talked about the Wright brothers.

The boys dig for fossils and find some they can keep-- shark's teeth, sea urchins, etc.

Denver and Daddy work a crane.


After a full morning of experimenting with sound waves, admiring huge megalodon jaws, and other interesting things that we don't often see, we reluctantly left the Tellus Museum.  After a stop at Cracker Barrel-- where Denver entertained everyone in the building with a child-sized accordian that he would NOT stop playing!!!-- we mosied home to unpack and get comfy.  Spencer said he was ready to get home.  I agreed.  It was hard to believe we'd only been gone 36 hours! 


The Boys admire the Periodic Table of Elements
displaying examples of REAL elements.

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