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Sunday, January 6, 2013

I Feel Like a Child who Resists Taking a Bath

A wise yoga student once told me that her yoga practice is like her child's insistence that he doesn't need a bath.  He always thinks he doesn't need one; but afterward, he feels so much better.  Not only that, but one bath is not sufficient.  No matter how clean and wonderful you felt after Monday's bath (or yoga practice), by Thursday, you'll need another one for sure!

That is the way with me as well-- though not with bathing!  After 44 years of living, a lifetime of eating and exercising (I used to call it playing!), and nearly 20 years of yoga practice, I still fool myself into believing that I feel fine without eating well; I feel fine without exercising; I feel fine with just a little meditation practice, hold the asana.

I'm admitting right now that nothing could be further from the truth.

Like a lot of people, I am joyfully immersed in self-improvement projects at the start of the new year.  Why not?  It's as good a time as any.  Unlike my earlier years though, my stimulus for eating well and caring for myself is not a dislike of my body.  I have come to love this old gal.  She has taken me through so many experiences-- childbirth, marathons, years of living!  In fact, it is because I love her that I want her to feel better and have more energy.  Carrying around extra weight is a drain.  Feeling tired when you have three children, homeschooling duties, household duties, and three part-time jobs is a challenge.  As Swami Satchidananda said, It is with a healthy body and a tranquil mind that we can best serve God. 

The joy is in discovering how quickly the energy returns!  After only a few weeks of eating delicious sauteed greens-- especially swiss chard!-- from Sara Vinson's organic garden,, and exercising a little every day, I am feeling a rush of energy upon waking that I haven't felt for months!  I am loving my new juicer (as are two of my boys), and caring for my body has such marvelous side effects-- Lo and Behold, I'm not grumpy!  Wow, I have energy to do twice as much as usual.  My thinking is clearer.  My pants are a little loose.

Why do we ever veer away from this joyous path?  I know why . . . chocolate brownies!  Hee hee!  Really, there is the message in our culture that pleasure comes from that which is worst for us-- that is, staying dirty.  It turns out that we're happiest when we care for ourselves-- that is, bathe regularly.  Now if only I could convince my sons of that! 

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