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Friday, January 25, 2013

A Peek at my Big Fantasy

Lately, I've been having fantasies.  I am sweating, my heart is pounding.  I am hot, dirty, and in a hurry.  I am running a marathon trail race.  What did you think I was dreaming about?

When I was 24, I took up running as a way to lose weight.  Ten years, three marathons, and one ultra marathon later, I was sidelined by continual injuries.  Ten years have passed in which I rarely ran.  I mostly took brisk walks, went on hikes, and did yoga. 

At age 44, my body is now telling me it is ready to get back in the race.  Yesterday, I ran nine miles on hilly, rocky, root woven trails.  I LOVED it.  I am not very sore today.  Could it be that I am not too old to run?

I recently read about a man who took up running at age 70.  He was recovering from cancer at the time.  Twenty years have passed, and he is still running marathons. 

Why not me?


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