It is not easy to raise a ninja. They can be tricky. One minute they're outside battling bad guys; the next minute, they want to make fresh carrot juice with your brand new juicer. You have to stay on your toes. Earlier this week, another mother who was ridding her home of excess plastic toys and Halloween costumes (an admirable goal), passed along a bag of ninja clothing and accoutrements-- swords and foam throwing stars. Denver was delighted! Armed with weapons and dressed in black, Denver joyfully tormented his brothers and the dog all afternoon. In the midst of his behavior, I sometimes forget that Denver's love of costumes is not about being adorable. For him, it is about imagining being grown up. For him, costumes are a way to think about what it might be like to be a powerful adult. When he is playing, he does not like anyone to say how "cute" he is.
Denver prepares Carrot Orange Apple Juice. |
As Denver knows-- and as I often forget-- Denver is on his way to being an adult with the power to make his own exciting choices. I am only here as his support crew and cheerleader for another ten years or so-- and I know I'll love every minute of it. Earlier this week he was a ninja. Today he decided to be a chef. Who knows what tomorrow may bring? But for now-- Carrot Apple Orange juice, anyone?
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