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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Galloping Through the Days

The days gallop by.  Where did they go?  It is mid-September and I don't know where the summer went.

Reading to Jake-- who is a very good listener.
Sorry about the couch, Nana!
Spencer and Denver
at Turner Lake Park.

The danger of being busy seems to be my tendency not to appreciate the marvel of each day; so here are a few peeks.
Spencer's Commercial for Writing Workshop
Paw Paw's 75th Birthday!
Jibby wearing one of his father's shirts!
On our way to a church to hear a holocaust survivor speak.
There is nothing that makes me happier than a good day with the boys; no matter what we accomplish or fail to accomplish.  

An evening often ends with Denver's pronouncement, "I'm happy."
Me, too.

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