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Monday, September 29, 2014

That's Why it's a Gift . . . The Present.

I was sitting and worrying about the lack of rigor in our homeschool today; probably because everyone is done early (okay, no one finished Latin!) and we are having fun-- taking turns playing on the computers, playing a favorite card game, and Spencer has been doing some programming and playing with his Lord of the Rings Lego set.  He occasionally runs past me, stopping for a hug.  

John Robert went to algebra class at Montessori, spent some time laughing and eating lunch with us, and is now reading upstairs.  I am so relaxed, I wonder if this is poor homeschool parenting.  After all, the daily schedule reveals our lack of rigor.

But then I realize. . . everyone in the house is happy.  Everyone in the house is happily pursuing an interest or two or three; and probably learning something!

For the last hour, Denver has been across the table from me asking me how to spell various words as he plays a computer game.  Of course, I never could have designed a spelling lesson that would have been as important to him as the words he wanted to spell this afternoon.

In a world where most parents and children have to spend 40 + hours a week away from home, we may forget that this is called being together.  Even as a homeschool mom, I sometimes forget the most powerful teaching I can share with my children is the gift of attention and my presence.

Hanging out at the Botanical Garden.

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